Hey you, Yes you! Here on Peak Roleplay, we are looking to fill our departments, Staff, and developer positions! If you wanna have the time of your life JOIN PEAK!!! If you are interested join our discord!!
Come by and check us out here at Gang Haven Role Play
We are hiring Police, EMS, & STAFF of ALL RANKS!
- Just ask for Brad, Cope, or Chris Paul
Discord Link Discord
I am the founder of a FiveM server and community called LucidCountyRP and we are DOJ based and we have civ cars and emergancy cars aswell as we have Vmenu postal map …
Midnight City Roleplay
Midnight City Roleplay has a fresh new opportunity to come back to FiveM better and stronger than ever before. Our mission statement is to provide you, the player, a life-like and professional experience while being able to enjoy quality roleplay with friends!
We offer a wide variety of cool custom content such as
vMenu based server
Framework economy
Serious Roleplay
Daily Patrols
Custom Civilian Vehicles
Fast Growing Community
Helpful Community
Active Fire Department
Civilian Owned Businesses
Tech Support
Weazel News Website
And much more!
Civilian Operations
Blaine County Sheriff’s Office
San Andreas Highway Patrol
Los Santos Police Department
San Andreas Fire Department
San Andreas Communications
About the Directors and Head Administration
Midnight City Roleplay is under the Direction of 2 individuals.
Brian, and Alex. Brian and Alex have had previous experience
running multiple communities on different platforms.
They have come together and started Midnight City Roleplay.
Unlike other communities, Brian and Alex are great working as a team. The Directors hand picked all Head Administration a part of Midnight City Roleplay. All Staff members consider all options, they listen to feedback given by community members. If there isn’t a superb Staff Team, there isn’t members, which means there is no server.
Website: https://mcrpfivem.com
Discord: Midnight City Roleplay Official Fan Server
Weazel News Website: https://news.mcrpfivem.com/
Trailer: Midnight City Roleplay Server Promotional Video (Whitelisted FiveM) | 2022 - YouTube
Nevada State Roleplay
Nevada State Roleplay is looking for members. We have a dedicated team for development listening to suggestions by the community we look to create. We are looking to have semi-realistic roleplay. Our rules allows you to have fun, unique, and professional RP’s with minimum restrictions. NSRP also has an in-game economy and ways for civilians to run businesses, buy and sell items, commit crimes and more! We also are willing to help and guide newer Fivem role-players get in and feel comfortable playing along with experienced/ established people.
In NSRP we have multiple whitelisted departments anyone can apply for:
Las Vegas Police Department
Henderson County Sheriffs Office
Nevada Highway Patrol
lots of EUP customization for Civs, Police, and Fire/ EMS.
lots of interiors and add on buildings for Civs, Police, and Fire/ EMS.
We also support in-game economy to further immerse you in city.
Import vehicles and domestic vehicles are available In City.
We have:
Stable 30 Slot server
in-game economy
Relaxed server rules and staff
i am looking for alpha testers
Come check out NEORP 1.5. We have a lot to offer. More information can be found on our forum page or on our discord.
Join us today no matter the age you can play! Nightlight Roleplay | New City | Active Staff & Devs | QBCore Economy | Looking for Staff, Leo, Ems | Serious RP
Feel free to dm me bud Tekefflux#5189
NYSRP Join today
We are looking for members
we can help u out lmk
Just to state, no server is 12+, as it’s against discord tos.