Fivem server icon

Needing to know how to add a custom server icon to my FiveM server, i already got the loading screen down now i have no idea about the server icon. i have looked it up and can find nothing, any help would be appreciated.

citmp : locate the citmp-server.yml file, un comment the #ServerIcon: hello.png
once you done that you upload the image you wish to use to your server, must be square. Edit the name in the .yml

fx: locate the server.cfg, un comment #load_server_icon myLogo.png
upload the image to your server. change the name.

Must be 96x96 and .png


I appreciate you helping, but this didn’t make sense to me, i apologise… these things are kinda new to me. and that seems crazy
is there any way you could make a quick video or something for me! thank you so much!


Which server are you currently running. Citmp or FX

I am currently running Citmp.

Find citmp-server.yml
Edit this, and you will see #ServerIcon: hello.png
Remove the " # "
Change hello.png to the image you upload to your server, must be square and .png
Save file and restart server.

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