FiveM Server Admin Setup Guide Linux [syslogine]

Fivem Server Admin Setup Guide

Automate the setup of your Fivem server admin environment on Debian-based Linux systems with our comprehensive script. This guide outlines the steps to prepare your system, ensuring a smooth and efficient setup process.


This setup script automates the following tasks:

  • Installs necessary dependencies for the Fivem server.
  • Creates a dedicated user account for server administration.
  • Clones a server management script from a specified GitHub repository.
  • Sets execute permissions for the server management script.
  • Switches to the newly created admin user for immediate server management.


  • Root Access: Ensure you have root access to your system. Use su - to switch to the root user if necessary.
  • Internet Connection: A stable internet connection is required to download dependencies and clone scripts from GitHub.
  • Debian-based Linux Distribution: This script is designed for Debian-based systems, including Ubuntu.


Quick Start

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone && cd fivem-admin-setup
  2. Make the Script Executable:

    chmod +x
  3. Execute the Script:


Detailed Instructions

If you prefer manual setup or lack git, follow these detailed instructions:

  • Text Editor Method: Use nano or vim to create and edit the script file.

    • Nano: nano
    • Vim: vim
      Copy and paste the script content, save, and exit the editor.
  • Direct Download: Use wget or curl to download the script directly.

    • wget: wget
    • curl: curl -O

After creating or downloading the script, ensure it is executable with chmod +x and run it with ./


Follow the script’s prompts to enter the desired username for the Fivem server admin. The script will then automatically:

  • Install dependencies (sudo, git, unzip, curl, wget, xz-utils).
  • Create and configure the admin user account.
  • Clone and set up the server management script for immediate use.

Upon completion, you’ll be ready to manage your Fivem server with the newly created admin account.

Important Notes

  • Review the script before running to ensure it meets your system’s needs.
  • The script and server management script are located in the specified GitHub repository. Adjustments can be made to suit your specific setup requirements.



This guide provides a streamlined process to set up your Fivem server admin environment, automating routine tasks for a hassle-free server management experience. Customize the script as needed to fit your specific server configuration.