[FIVEM] Revive Station Script | Modern UI | mxo-scripts

Revive Station Script

  • revive station for dead players
  • pay to revive (configurable amount)
  • ESX

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Purchase: here
Documentation: here

Code is accessible Configs are accessable
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) >500
Requirements N/A
Support Yes
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Very good script simply shows the reason for death


Thanks! <3

Is the revive event name configurable for servers who have different event names or dual revive events?

Yes, with the new update you can change the event.

What about dual revive events?
For example, I use visn_are.

We use the following logic to revive:


We provide you a function where you can trigger multiple events in.
So in your case you can use both events.

This is the default configuration of the revive function.

Config.Revive = function(player) 
    TriggerClientEvent('esx_ambulancejob:revive', player)
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removed language files from escrow protection
added secure webhook logs
added blacklisted death reasons

removed webhooks from escrow protection
fixed callback messages in F8 console