FiveM Qbus when adding scripts hud/map goes missing?

Hey all theres been a strange issue happening with my server,
when I add something like MLO or a script 80% of the time my hud/map goes missing.

But when I create a new account everything works perfect its like the accounts previously end up bugged?
But its happening when I add new things to the server.

It cant be the script / MLO as I’ve back tracked got rid and it still ends up with bugged accounts…

I thought it would be the MLO but when I went on to not adding that MLO and i tried other scripts it happens with them too

Screenshot by Lightshot This error showed up but I havent even touched anticheat?

If you are using a custom map (when you press escape), such as a 3D satellite map, or something like that, that may cause the minimap to go missing.

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