[fivem] [QB] How to remove the status messages in the chat about killing, explosions, etc?

How to remove the status messages in the chat about killing, explosions, etc?

it is not in the same place of the joined message, that i could remove but i like it, is just that im tryng so hard to find where the resource of that is, i looked everywhere, qb-core, in cfx chat, in the hud, in all the events related resources and such.

Ok to do this is necessary to remove this code from QB-ambulancejob that triggers the event in chat.

local function CheckWeaponDamage(ped)
    local detected = false
    for k, v in pairs(QBCore.Shared.Weapons) do
        if HasPedBeenDamagedByWeapon(ped, k, 0) then
            detected = true
            if not IsInDamageList(k) then
                TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', {
                    color = { 255, 0, 0 },
                    multiline = false,
                    args = { Lang:t('info.status'), v.damagereason }
                CurrentDamageList[#CurrentDamageList + 1] = k
    if detected then
        TriggerServerEvent('hospital:server:SetWeaponDamage', CurrentDamageList)

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