[fivem] [paid] morninghood | new neighborhood


  • I present to you this new neighborhood located in Morningwood, heavily inspired by Grove Street. I’ve added two basketball courts for you to integrate your scripts with, along with numerous houses for the residents of your city. I hope you enjoy the style of this neighborhood. If you want more, join my Discord server and let me know in the [Idea-Maps] channel.

Purchase Here: Tebex

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements FiveM
Support Yes
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Does this have any NPC peds or NPC cars bugs? I want to ensure that the NPC’s are fully normal with this mod. What was your approach here?

Looks promising!

Hi thank you for your comment if you have problems with NPCs or other unabitual thing does not hesitate to make me prepare because from my rating 0 problem test and approve by my manager who tested the maps before selling it

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