About Script:
This Script is a Car Lock UI based on my first Car Lock UI.
This Script is optimized.
Easy to install.
Low MS (0.01ms)
Fully Configurable.
Not encrypted.
Lock Car
Unlock Car
Open Trunk
Close Trunk
Turn on Engine
Turn off Engine
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I hope you guys like this script
how many ms?encrypted, ip blocking?
0.01ms and no ip lock or anything else.
Can you turn on and off the car outside the vehicle ?
Very nice, but idk about that price though. good design though
Please send a copy of your resource to moderators group for approval.
people who already bought it dont get v2?
Hi man, just got this but its saying this is not your vehicle ?
in my owned_vehicles table it defines the owner of a car by a “owner column” with the players license key
Any help would be much appreciated
I fixed it
For ESX v1 Final you need to change the server.lua to this
ESX = nil
TriggerEvent(‘esx:getSharedObject’, function(obj) ESX = obj end)
ESX.RegisterServerCallback(‘carlock:isVehicleOwner’, function(source, cb, plate)
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source)
MySQL.Async.fetchAll('SELECT 1 FROM owned_vehicles WHERE owner = @owner AND plate = @plate', {
['@owner'] = xPlayer.identifier,
['@plate'] = plate
}, function(result)
cb(result[1] ~= nil)
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sorry for late answer, yes that is the fix for v1 final.
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Do I have to replace my lua with entirely that?
Can you put in an example of what this would look like? I’ve replaced mine with the lines that he’s put in above, but now it gives an error.
script:chat Error parsing script @kingkefa_carlockv2 /server.lua in resource kingkefa_carlockv2: @kingkefa_carlockv2 /server.lua:3: unexpected symbol near ‘<\226>’
then you do something wrong, write to me via dm, i send you full server.lua
September 30, 2021, 1:21am
hi man you find the solution???