When i try to start FiveM it wont launch with steam.
Firstly i open steam and then open FiveM from my desktop.
When i try to connect to a server i dont see my steam name and dont have any script permissions.
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Open steam before starting five m
I did, i’ve tried to verify my GTAV.
My steam and Fivem is up to date
Having this issue too, every server I try joining it tells me I require steam. I’ve restarted my computer, steam, and FiveM. I’m on the Warehouse version. When I manage to get past the area saying I require steam running, I get the image below.
I have reinstalled FiveM and still get this error, anyone… help?
what happen bro, what are you doing
i got the same problem!
I’ve noticed that when starting FiveM it says i’m in Source SDK Base 2007? Normally it says FiveM
or Source SDK Base 2013 Multiplayer.
Steam not connecting to FiveM This might fix it: Turn off Steam Beta. Will edit if it worked or not.
Edit: I am able to join servers now.
This worked for me, thank you very much!
Thank you very much!
I think it’s just a temporary fix …
I’m sure the FiveM development team will find some way around it.
i can’t get link my acccount with FiveM
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