FiveM not launching, Only error message is in Event viewer, looks related to CoreRT.dll or FiveM_GTAProcess.exe

Environment questions

GTA V version: 1.0.2245.0
Up to date: Yes
Legit or Pirate copy: Legit
Purchased where - Steam/Rockstar Launcher/Epic: Steam
Windows version: Windows 10 Pro 19042.868
Did you try to delete caches.xml (not cache/!) and try again? Yes multiple.
System specifications: Ryzen 5 3600
16,0 Go Ram, Rx 590
CitizenFX crash zip file (‘Save information’ on a crash): No crash Error message
logs/CitizenFX_log files:CitizenFX_log_2021-03-21T104815.log (893 Bytes)
.dmp files/report IDs: What is this ?

If you can’t start the game at all

GTA V folder screenshot:

Filepath to FiveM folder: C:\Users\tin-mar\AppData\Local\FiveM
FiveM client folder screenshot:
Which antivirus/firewall software are you using? Windows Defender
Did you try to disable/uninstall your Anti-virus? Yes

Important parts

What is the issue you’re having?

When starting FiveM, I get the “We’re Getting there” windows, then nothing, FiveM process start in task manager then just stop. No error message.

What are you trying to do?

Get FiveM to start.

What have you tried already to fix the issue?

Tried installing Fivem on his custom folder, tried Gta and fivem on different drive and same drive. Tried on a different user account. Did sfc scan, updated windows and graphic driver.
Tried to reinstall windows.

Error screenshot (if any): The only error i managed to get is via Event viewer.

What did you do to get this issue?

Simpy installed FiveM and tried to start it, Never got fivem to work.

What server did you get this issue on?

I dont get to server selection.

Additional comments

So i tried everything I could think of and I’m out of solution. From the event viewer error it seems related to FiveM_GTAProcess.exe or CoreRT.dll

I did get this wer report at some point, but I admit that I cant understand it.
Report.wer (16.7 KB)

Thanks for the help.

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