FiveM Maps | Map King [Fight Map]

Best Fight Map In Fivem

# The idea from MW COD 16 With the same detail and high accuracy
Enjoy the map experience in a different style and gameplay inside FiveM

# You will receive two copies of the map (First City Airport - Military Airport), and you can choose another location if you wish

# You can customize the map to suit your use of it… You can close the external doors and make the fighting inside the map only …

tebex :

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Thank you for an actual MLO fight map - not so many of these, most require teleports.

Can both locations be used at same time? Would be perfect for police training and gang wars.

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:wave: Hello there, nice map.

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Very nice work!

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yes, you can ."3D Market Team

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Thank you :heartbeat:

thx for your comment :heartbeat:

You can try our maps now for 1 days inside your server!!

Tebex :

This map looks soo cool, I love the style you have gone with this.


Bought last night, really like it. Just one wish is that you could have all the garage doors closed, and just a regular door entrance instead.

Didn’t realize till just now that by putting the garage doors on, there’s no way in/out :joy:

Thank you for your purchase from us …

As for your suggestion, which is to make a small entrance… is it in order to prevent cars from entering? … If this is your intention, you can use the hidden wall that prevents cars from entering

Our goal of keeping all garage doors closed is for people who want to use the map via teleport only

Prevent cars from going in and prevent seeing what’s going on inside.

My use case for the map is the LSIA location is a “gang war” building, that all the gangs know they can go to and have a shootout with triggering any police response, or really anyone knowing what they’re up to.

Right now I set it like you said, just prevent cars from entering, which works, just would be nicer to have it closed off with a regular door. However I do understand your goal, as I do know most people use these PVP maps as teleports.

I like very good

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:open_mouth: very beautiful

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Thank you guys we appreciate :heart_eyes: