Fivem loading screen background not loading

I have taken a public release FiveM loading screen and changed it to my liking.
the index.html file loads up in my browser as it should everything showing and loading up but as soon as I put it on the server, the background (mp4 file) does not load, it is just a black background but the navigation and other things aside that load up fine. there are no errors in the F8 console either.
anyone know any solution?

Try using a different format for the video, MP4 being a commercial codec might lack support in whatever usecase you have. There are online converters that can do it without issue for you.

problem is, the mp4 worked on a different loading screen on the same server

if you open the html file on the browser, appears the video? maybe there’s an issue loading it on that side or loading it as resource on the fxmanifest file :thinking:

when i open it in browser it works fine

Can you post a snippet here where you use html or javascript to link to the video? There could be a problem with the NUI file path.

Also, check fxmanifest.lua to see if you have the path to the mp4 file written there in files meta data.

yes here u go


Change ../Cruising.LTDloading/img/bckgrnd.mp4 to ./img/bckgrnd.mp4 on both places.

ill try that and let you know

that was it thankyou

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