GTA V version? Latest Up to date? Yes Legit or Pirate copy? Legit Steam/CD/Social Club? Steam Windows version? Windows 10 Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again? Yes
Error screenshot (if any)
System specifications
What did you do to get this issue? Nothing What server did you get this issue on? None, can’t even launch the client
I FINALLY MANAGED TO FIX IT. BLESSETH THY HEAVENS. Anywho I found this off of another post but go into your %appdata% folders and delete %localappdata%\digitalentitlements and %appdata%\citizenfx\ros_id.dat.
if it works and you load up, the blue screen might take a while(It did for me) but it ended up working!
Hey, just trying to locate these files and I’m having some dramatics. Can you please (I beg you) give a more direct pathway to finding these? I’ve had a look in the appdata folder and cannot see it there, but maybe I am looking in the wrong spot?
There is literally no other place it could be, the best thing I could do is explain it to you I suppose step by step.
Go into your search bar of your computer and type in %appdata%
You should have brought up the roaming folder and within that folder should be a folder called CitizenFX, click it and delete ros_id.dat
Click the back button until you are in the appdata folder and no longer in roaming, you should see three folders but click on local, within the folder is another folder called digitalentitlements, delete that.
Launch FiveM and if this doesnt work then idk what to tell you
Thank you, it wasn’t showing up %appdata% but did a search for %citizenfx% and it was there.
Just testing it out now. Hope it works.
Everything was fine until this update so idk. Original game through steam was updated before I went into fiveM (I do this every time before going into five m because of a previous issue on startup).