FiveM Keymaster Issue

Since yesterday upon starting up my FiveM Server, I’ve been receiving an error:
GlobalError: This server does not have a license key specified. Please set the sv_licenseKey console variable to a key from (for example, set sv_licenseKey "key" in the config, or +set sv_licenseKey key on the command line)

However in my server.cfg: +sv_licenseKey “7ccn0lv7uREMOVEDtjkts3p”
Everything’s done correctly.

I’ve got the correct key in the server.cfg, the key is active, I have the $15/month Patreon subscription.
Everything was working fine for days until last night. I apologize if this isn’t the right format but I don’t believe the formatted list would’ve fit this report.


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Could you show us the console output?

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“GlobalError: This server does not have a license key specified. Please set the sv_licenseKey console variable to a key from (for example, set sv_licenseKey "key" in the config, or +set sv_licenseKey key on the command line)”

The whole console output, e.g. a screenshot of your conhost window.

There’s alot do you want it all copied into a file?

Another look at your first post, commands in server.cfg are not prefixed by +


Would this work

no. that’s a weird quote symbol.

So what would I use

@nta @TheIndra all ways the notice says to do it are not working

how do i make a five m key on keymaster?

It’s beyond trivial - just click on this link, sign in and you’ll have the window the register the key. Make sure to grab the correct external IP (just google “what’s my IP” and it’ll tell you)

if people have your ip doesnt that mean they can ddos you?

Yeah? You’re asking all those questions wasting time while you could google it and answer it for yourself even faster, nor does your question have anything to do with FiveM.

it does since its a question about five m keymaster and how i have to put my ip in

Nothing to do with DDoS - and I explained how you can get your public IP that you then need to put in the keymaster.

i have a problem it says that i dont have lisence key


For starters, you have so many errors…

Secondly, make your own thread instead of jumping on someone else’s completely unrelated thread

is key master down i cant get my server