I am looking for some help putting together a community Jail Script/mod.
So far i have found the following:
handcuff script (enables chat commands): fiverebornstuff/mxhandcuff at master · mecwerks/fiverebornstuff · GitHub
Simple Jail Script (Requires essentialmode) [Release] Simple Jail System
***NOTE: all credit for the scripts above (and below) should be given to the respected creators!
***Disclaimer: I am merely a scrip kidddy attempting to modify the files in efforts to get a jail system running via chat commands.
So far the handcuff scrip is running like a dream. Thus, i have edited the following files in efforts to interact with the jail scrip (the same way you interact with the handcuff script - VIA chat commands).
My files are being streamed to the server as followed:
within the jail folder: __resource.lua, jail.lua, server.lua
Within the files i have the following scripts:
------------------------------- __Resource.lua -----------------------------
resource_manifest_version ‘77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5’ – Manifest version
client_script ‘jaillocations.lua’ – Client side script
server_script ‘server.lua’ – Server side script
server_script ‘detained.lua’ – Server side script
------------------------------- server.lua -----------------------------
require “resources/xxxxxxx/lib/MySQL”
AddEventHandler(“toJailOrNot”, function(playerid)
local identifier = GetPlayerIdentifiers(source)[1]
local executed_query = MySQL:executeQuery(“SELECT * FROM users WHERE identifier = ‘@name’”, {[‘@name’] = identifier})
local result = MySQL:getResults(executed_query, {‘permission_level’, ‘money’, ‘identifier’,‘detained’}, “identifier”)
local getModel = result[1]if (getModel[‘detained’] == “1”)then
TriggerClientEvent(‘detainedOrNot’, source)
------------------------------- Jaillocations.lua -----------------------------
jaillocation = {
{ 462.77, -993.73, 24.91},
{ 462.77, -998.28, 24.91},
{ 462.90, -1001.88, 24.91},
{ 463.69, -991.85, 24.91},
{ 464.29, -1004.47, 24.91}
Citizen.CreateThread(function ()
while true do
for i = 1, #jaillocation do
jailCoords2 = jaillocation[i]
if(GetDistanceBetweenCoords(jailCoords2[1], jailCoords2[2], jailCoords2[3],GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())) < 1)then
TriggerServerEvent('JustToJail', PlayerId()) end end end
AddEventHandler(‘detainedOrNot’, function(user)
SetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1), 459.741, -994.561, 24.914, 1, 0, 0, 1)
states.frozenPos = pos
------------------------------- detained.lua -----------------------------
AddEventHandler(‘chatMessage’, function(source, n, message) – capture ‘chatMessage’ events
local args = stringsplit(message, " ") – Split the message up into an array of words
if (args[1] == “/jail”) then – if the first “word” is /jail
CancelEvent() – dont pass this chat message further, we’re handling it
if (args[2] ~= nil) then -- make sure we have an actual second "word" local playerID = tonumber(args[2]) -- Store the playerID that was passed, as a number
-- If this is not a valid player if (playerID < 1 or playerID > 32) then -- tell the sender they have an invalid target TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, "SYSTEM", {200, 0, 0}, "Invalid PlayerID!") return -- dont continue any further end
-- at this point we should have a valid PlayerID to target, so lets send him a jailed event TriggerClientEvent('Jail', playerID) -- Sends event 'Jail' to playerID else -- if args[2] does equal nil (doesnt exist) local event = 'chatMessage' -- What event are we sending local eventTarget = source -- Who do we send the event too (-1 means all) local messageSender = "SYSTEM" -- Message sender local messageSenderColor = {200, 0, 0} -- Message sender color local message = "Usage: /jail <PlayerID>" -- show a `how-to-use` message -- This could be shortened into just one line, it was exanded to show what each parameter does TriggerClientEvent(event, eventTarget, messageSender, messageSenderColor, message) -- send the event -- NOTE: the variables after "eventTarget" will be passed to the event handlers function -- you will see in jail.lua, that the 'jail' event does not take any arguements -- hence why it is sent above with only the event name and target ID end
– utility function to turn a string into an array of words
function stringsplit(self, delimiter)
local a = self:Split(delimiter)
local t = {}
for i = 0, a - 1 do
table.insert(t, a[i])
return t
Im hoping someone with script knowledge can review the above edits and explain how i royally F–Ked up?