FiveM has stopped responding (Directx query)

What is the issue you’re having?

Five m crashing upon start up in any server

What have you tried already to fix the issue?

cleared cache
fresh install for drivers
restarted pc
uninstalled NVE
Checked for update on gta
Verified gtas files
reset pc
reinstall drivers again
reinstall five m

What server did you get this issue on?

Echo rp

Error screenshot(s)

Windows version

Windows 11

System specifications

4070 ti super, i5-13600k, 32gbs of ram

Antivirus software


CitizenFX crash zip file (‘Save information’ on a crash) (1.65 MB)

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Hello, as mentioned in the error, the issue is not on your side but with the server itself since it only occurs on that server. If you look closely at the error, one of the possible causes could be bad assets. :wink: :mascot:

sadly i thought it was just on the server but i went to 2 other servers and had the same error so i dont think its just that

Have you tried disabling any overlays, such as GeForce Experience or similar software, that might interfere with the application?

This is almost guaranteed to be related to a faulty asset that failed to load; usually bad LODs in my experience, but not always. Make sure your game and FiveM is completely free from any client-side graphics mods.

i’m on a fresh install so is there anyway to verify that it’s not that?

If you didn’t install any in the first place you won’t have any, simple. Try clearing your client cache, just in case, and if that doesn’t help contact the server staff for assistance

will do, appreciate it

just went to directx 10.1 and it works now but every texture is kinda broken. just a temporary fix i guess

i don’t think i have any enabled but i will check