Fivem gang inventory wont store weapon but will do the items

[script:esx_datastore] (nil stack trace)SCRIPT ERROR: @gangs/server/main.lua:495: attempt to index a nil value (local ‘store’)
[ script:gangs] > ref (@gangs/server/main.lua:495)
[ script:gangs] > handler (@esx_datastore/server/main.lua:116)
[ script:gangs] > ref (@gangs/server/main.lua:494)
[ script:gangs] > TriggerServerCallback (@essentialmode/server/functions.lua:31)
[ script:gangs] > handler (@essentialmode/server/common.lua:118)
error object is not a string

i get the error when i try to put weapon in the gangs inventory any help

I recommend to switch to latest esx, because old esx (essentialmode, extendedmode etc.) is broken af, so many things don’t work and are easily exploitable, also it could fix ur issue.

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