FiveM ESX business script | Brutal Scripts

This script is great for servers where you can sell the business to players for real money.


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  • Business created with item.
  • It produces money for its owner from time to time.
  • Every time you get money the owner is taken away from a set.
  • Stock must be delivered, that have a price.
  • Discord log.
  • You can adjust the items.


Config = {}

Config.MenuOpenKey = 38                                -- This key open the menu
Config.BuyStockPrice = 50000                           -- When player want to deliver stock to the business it, its the price
Config.UpdateMoneyAmount = 100000                      -- If player use business updater item, get + money from her business from hourly
Config.StockDeliceryCount = 3                          -- When player deliver stock to business get that much amount stock
Config.GetMoneyTime = 1000*60*60                      -- Player get money from business at intervals
Config.StartEarnings = 200000                          -- When player create a business with item, that is the start business income count

-- ShowHelpNotify and Marker Settings
Config.MarkerDistance = 15                             -- DO NOT pick it up higher than 30 because it will put a lot of strain on the server
Config.BusinessMarkerType = 30                         -- You can choose here >>
Config.StockDeliveryMarkerType = 42
Config.MarkerSize = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.6 }      -- You can edit marker size here
Config.MarkerColor = { r = 162, g = 150, b = 46}          -- RBG color help here >>
Config.ShowNotifyDistance = 1                          -- Opening distance

-- SQL settings
Config.SQL = {
    UsersTable = 'users',                              -- That is the table where the server save users data
    playerIdentifierline = 'identifier',               -- That is the line where the server save player identifier      EXAMPLE:
    -- Player names line: 'firstname' and 'lastname'

-- Minigame settings
Config.UseMinigame = true   -- true or false            -- Requed this >>
Config.MinigameNumber = 1
Config.MinigameTime = 1000*20

-- Items
Config.Items = {

    make_item = 'business_200',                         -- Business creater item
    stock = 'keszlet',                                  -- Stock item
    business_updater = 'business_fejleszto',            -- Business updater

-- HelpNotify settings
Config.HelpNotify = {
    useOkokTextUI = true,                              -- If true, requed this:

    -- If use ESX.ShowHelpNotify use this
    open_menu = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open menu',
    stock_menu = 'Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to pick up the stock',

    -- If use OkokTextUI use this
    Text = 'Open menu',
    Text2 = 'Pick up the stock',
    Color = 'lightblue',                            -- Colors: - lightblue; - lightgreen; - lightred; - lightgrey; - darkblue; - darkgreen; - darkred; - darkgrey.
    Position = 'left',                              -- Positions: - right; - left.


-- Progressbar
Config.ProgressBar = {
    use_mythic_progbar = true,                         --
    time = 1000*10,                                    -- 10 sec, 1000 = 1 sec
    label = 'Stock pick up...',                        -- ProgressBar label
    animDict = 'amb@prop_human_bum_bin@idle_a',        -- ProgressBar animations
    anim = 'idle_a',

Config.Locations = {
    vector3(795.5560, -2982.2075, 5.9937),              -- Stock delivery locations, from where player can deliver stock to business
    vector3(2581.1880, 462.8391, 108.6054),
    vector3(-247.4691, 6067.2192, 32.3445),
    vector3(827.0199, 2191.5151, 52.4010),
    vector3(-2193.4927, 4285.8838, 49.1752),
    vector3(-3153.6697, 1054.4642, 20.8401),
    vector3(-862.9572, -191.8232, 37.7268),
    vector3(-2286.2651, 354.6825, 174.6018),
    vector3(781.3416, 1274.7570, 361.2842),
    vector3(-616.7659, -1620.4266, 33.0105),
    vector3(-1219.4215, -202.2509, 39.3250),
    vector3(-1080.5728, -1036.2340, 2.1503),
    vector3(-1366.2361, 56.6464, 54.0984),
    vector3(-48.6714, 1891.6356, 195.3620),
    vector3(576.1757, 2742.6416, 42.1416),
    vector3(2338.4338, 2570.6309, 47.7242),
    vector3(2618.4578, 3275.3010, 55.7382),
    vector3(2661.0068, 3926.9431, 42.1808),
    vector3(2504.9585, 4202.3232, 39.9131),
    vector3(1966.8087, 4634.3413, 41.1018),

Config.DrawText3D = {

    UseDrawText3D = true,                           -- true or false!!!

    OwnerTextHigh = -0.16,                          -- Text height
    OwnerTextScale = 1.35,                          -- Text size
    OwnerTextColor = "~p~",                         -- Help >>>  ~r~ = Red, ~b~ = Blue, ~g~ = Green, ~y~ = Yellow, ~p~ = Purple, ~c~ = Grey, ~m~ = Dark Grey, ~u~ = Black, ~o~ = Orange

    DescriptionTextHigh = -0.32,                    -- Text height
    DescriptionTextScale = 1,                       -- Text size
    DescriptionTextColor = "",                      -- MORE HELP >>>


Config.Language = {

--[ NUI / HTML edit in >> brutal_business/html ]

    -- Money symbol
    moneysymbol = '$',
    menu_afterword = 'Ceo.',
    -- Business make Menu
    make_business_title = 'Business create',
    carefully_make = 'Carefully make',
    business_name = 'Business name:',
    business_description = 'Business description:',
    make_business_button = 'Create business',
    choose_position = 'Choose business position',
    choose_label = 'Position finalization',
    -- Simple ShowNotify
    already_started = 'You already started the stock placement!',
    dont_enough = 'You do not have enough money!',
    update_business = 'Updated your own business!',
    dont_have_updater = 'You do not have business updater item!',
    already_have_business = 'You already have a business! You can update that!',
    put_stock = 'You have successfully placed the stock in the business!',
    dont_have_stock = 'You do not have stock in your inventory!',
    get_money_form_business = 'You get money from your business!',
    dont_have_stock_business = 'You do not have stock in your business!',
    not_responsibility_make = 'We do NOT take responsibility for businesses that are not in the correct location!',
    created = 'Your business is created!',
    not_created = 'Something is wrong! Try again a few minutes later!',
    go_to_position = 'Go to the location and deliver the stock!',
    select_business = 'We selected your business to make it easier for you to find it back!',
    minigame_failed = 'Minigame failed!',
    -- Stock procurement
    stock_blip = 'Stock placement',
    -- Webhooks
    webhk_make_business = 'make a business',
    webhk_make_money = 'get money from own business',
    webhk_business_name = 'Business name:',
    webhk_business_description = 'Description:',
    webhk_business_money = 'Amount:',
    -- No data
    no_data_firstname = 'No',
    no_data_lastname = 'Data',


Config.DiscordWebhooks = {

    -----[  If you need some help with discord webhook, check this website:  ]-----

    usewebhookYesOrNo = true,                   -- true or false   | If you want to use webhook set: true | If you not want to use webhook set: false

    -- When player get money from business
    get_money_title = 'Business get money',
    get_money_color = 15105570,
    get_money_from_business = "WEBHOOK_HERE",   -- Put discord webhook here
    -- When player make business
    make_business_title = 'Create business',
    make_business_color = 15105570,
    make_business = "WEBHOOK_HERE",             -- Put discord webhook here
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 800
Requirements es_extended
Support Yes

Any plans for a QB version?

Yes. But only in the near future.

dév scriptek on top! jah meg elfelejtettem lath_ac on top

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