[FIVEM][ESX] B - Clothingstore - Best Design and Best Price! (Version 4)

The script is a MUST for every RP server.
The very clean design, the extremely good performance and the many features make the script very special and above all very user friendly!
You can expand the categories infinitely much. If you need the variation name or label name of the clothingtype just go into the skinchanger/client.lua there you will find a complete list of clothingtypes at the top!


  • Clean, Responsive and Unique Design
  • you can open the clothingstore with a trigger
  • you can blacklist clothingparts
  • Highly Optimized - 0.00ms idle - in use 0.02-0.03
  • You can change the Price of every single clothing
  • addon clothes support
  • unlimited categories support
  • possibillity to add your own categories
  • You can use your arrow key to change the cloth or the clothe variation
    • Up + Down = Clothes Change | Left and Right = Variation Change
  • You are able to pay with bank or money
  • you can change the help notify, and the ShopMenu
  • possibility to save, change or delete Outfits


Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXjxDOskSQY


Tebex (30 EUR)


We reworked a lot and added new features!
So this is basically a new Version.

  • b-development.xyz
  • matthias
  • skurllex
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~560
Requirements es_extended, skinchanger, esx_skin
Support Yes only on discord!

Best Clothing Shop on FiveM. Best performance and No Bugs!

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Enable also for customize your character on first spawn after the registration?


Currently this is not available but we are working on a update for this!

Thank you, i will wait! Post saved.

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Will you ever be doing a QBCore version of this?


Yes we are currently working on a QB Core Version fo the Garage and the Clothingstore!
But it’s not that easy cuz we need to make Support for over 700 Customers and also need to make Updates for our scripts so this will take sometime.
But when we release the Version i will do a post in here for it.

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best script used it for my own server

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its running months on my server with avg 180 players. very good performance, very cool ui, and cheap. Buy it now! I promise you wont regret


nice work but i saw there is other three or four clothe shop script out :rofl:


really wish it had support for fiveM-appearance <3

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Does it save bought clothes so players dont need to buy it again?

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Yes it does. I bought it yesterday insane good job @Skurllex_Skurllex thanks again for the 5€ Discount :heart:

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Thanks for the Feedback!

Yes it do save the clothes

Thanks for the Feedback :heart:

I could do a update for this in the next days - can you write me in the dm’s the difference from fivem-apperance? Would be nice!


Thanks for the good Feedback!

Got the script. Its all in German. Kinda makes it hard to figure out stuff lol

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Yeah uploaded a version with the wrong config - im updating it today when I am home xd