Report ID: si-c1c06e752e634f37a1da3999a73706a9
Environmental questions
Version GTA V:1.0.2699.0
Legitimate or pirated copy:Legitimate
Bought where - Steam/Rockstar Launcher/Epic:Epic
Windows Version:Windows 11
Have you tried to delete content_index.xml and tried again? No
System Specifications:Intel i5 2320 12gb ram GT730 2gb
CitizenFX crash zip file (‘Save info’ on crash): (1.1 MB)
files logs/CitizenFX_log:
CitizenFX_log_2022-10-07T230627.log (58.0 KB)
.dmp files/report IDs:
384ada49-0259-4a97-84c5-b9cb9578e239.dmp (88.2 KB)
If you are unable to start the game
Screenshot of GTA V folder:
GTA V/update/x64/dlcpacks screenshot:
File path to FiveM folder:C:\Users\migue\AppData\Local\FiveM
Screenshot of FiveM client folder:
What antivirus/firewall software are you using?: Windows Defender
Have you tried disabling/uninstalling your antivirus?: No
Important parts
What is the problem you are having?
The game crashes as soon as it starts
What are you trying to do?
try to play
What have you tried to fix the problem?
Delete the citzensFX folder
Error screenshot (if any):
What did you do to resolve this issue?
Which server did you get this issue on? Be specific and name a few, ‘all of them’ alone is not helpful!
no server
[Window Title]
Fatal Error
[Main Instruction]
Early-exit trap
A problem while running FiveM has tripped an early-exit trap.
If asking for support, please provide a readable ‘report ID’ from the expanded information below.
[^] Ocultar detalhes [Save information] [Fechar]
[Expanded Information]
Crash signature: GTA5_b2699.exe+1000
Report ID: si-c1c06e752e634f37a1da3999a73706a9
You can press Ctrl-C to copy this message and paste it elsewhere.