FiveM - Discord Support Ingame Notification

The script shows your team in FiveM ingame when a user joins the support waiting room on the Disord. It is displayed which user is waiting and also how many are waiting. You can freely set in the script which FiveM groups should receive the ad.

I have seen many servers with long waiting times for support, so I decided to help those servers.



Buy here, for just 8€:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based Yes
Lines (approximately) 150
Requirements ESX
Support Yes
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Overpriced for an extremely basic resource.

Edit: for reference at the time this was posted this resource was listed for 50 25 euros.

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Understand, but its completely selfmade and there is no competition for a script like this. But I have adjusted the price now!

QB-Core Support and multichannels? :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, QB-Core is not supported, but multi-channel systems are supported. You can add as many channels as you like! Let me know if you have further questions.

Is this just a discord api that returns people in voice channel?

Not just a API, its a hole script with a UI. Its performance optimized and open source!

Will it be possible to convert to QB-Core? :slight_smile:

It could work, but I can’t test it unfortunately, because I don’t use QB-Core. :smile:

This webstore is currently unavailable - please check back later.

Hey, im sorry for the down time! Its up again, check it out!

Script works great but it wise i could get it to work for QBCore

I got this errors and have been trying to fix for hours:
[script:DiscordSuppor] SCRIPT ERROR: @DiscordSupportAPI/server.lua:5: attempt to call a nil value (field ‘GetPermission’)
[script:DiscordSuppor] > TriggerCallback (@qb-core/server/functions.lua:340)
[script:DiscordSuppor] > handler (@qb-core/server/events.lua:146)

QBCore.Functions.CreateCallback(“supportsystem:getGroup”, function(source, cb)
local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source)

It only works for esx

Tebex store is offline I am interested in buying it

Sorry for the downtime, it’s back online!

Neuer Discord link verfügbar ? :slight_smile:

Add me on discord: indra.101