Fivem Custom Server Launcher Help?

Hi, I am making a custom server luancher for my servers. I have the whole interface done, but when I click the buttons it launches fivem, but never connects. Ive waited 5+ minutes many times. I have the following:

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

It still will not launch. How can I fix it? I have the 3 buttons setup with those on each.

Url is fivem://connect/ip:port


Thank you! I joined the discord and asked a few people and they told me. I never saw anywhere for the connect part, everyone always said to put the regular fivem://IP Thanks again though!

is it not possible to call fivem from my normal webbrowser?

i tried to link my gameserver ip on my website.
is this possible or just to start with this URL?

The URL I posted is what you will need to use as the links href. Your PC will automatically know what to do with it; open FiveM

it doesnt look like ^^


after some seconds this error occurs

You forgot the colon. Read what I wrote carefully

not really but it seems like a problem with my woltlabsoftware.

the colon is automaticly removed by woltlab.
dont know why^^