FiveM crashing with ros-patches-five.dee!MakeCfxSubProcess (0xa02)


To receive support, please fill out the following template, and remove this top text.

Environment questions

**GTA V version: Steam Verison newest Version (i´m to stupid to find it)
**Up to date: Yes
**Legit or Pirate copy: Legit Steam version
**Purchased where - Steam/Rockstar Launcher/Epic: Steam
**Windows version: Windows 11 Home 10.0.22000 Build 22000
**Did you try to delete content_index.xml and try again? Yes
**System specifications:
Windows 11 Home

**CitizenFX crash zip file (‘Save information’ on a crash):Yes
**logs/CitizenFX_log files:
[ 312] [b2545_DumpServ] 5856/ DumpServer is active and waiting.
[ 312] [ FiveM] MainThrd/ — BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jul 29 14:22:08 2022 —
[ 359] [ FiveM] 10040/ Detected NVIDIA Node, attempting to query ShadowPlay status…
[ 359] [ FiveM] 10040/ NvNode claims ShadowPlay is disabled, bailing out.
[ 578] [ FiveM] MainThrd/ hello from “C:\Users\heavy\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.exe”
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ Process crash captured. Crash dialog content:
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ ros-patches-five.dll!MakeCfxSubProcess (0xa02)
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ Ein Fehler bei ros-patches-five.dll!MakeCfxSubProcess (0xa02) hat verursacht, dass FiveM nicht mehr funktioniert. Ein Absturzbericht wird an die FiveM Entwickler hochgeladen.
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ Stack trace:
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ ros-patches-five.dll!MakeCfxSubProcess (0xa02) (CfxSubProcess.h:144)
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ ros-patches-five.dll!RunLauncher (0x488) (LoopbackTcpServer.cpp:1575)
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ ros-patches-five.dll!Component_RunPreInit (0x2b8) (LauncherTool.cpp:903)
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ CoreRT.dll!EarlyMode_Init (0x206) (EarlyMode.Win32.cpp:41)
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ FiveM.exe!RealMain (0x3279) (Main.cpp:1024)
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ FiveM.exe!invoke_main (0x20) (exe_common.inl:118)
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ FiveM.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh (0x105) (exe_common.inl:288)
[ 1359] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/
[ 1875] [b2545_DumpServ] 2656/ Crash report service returned si-54c2e0d8d41a42d0afbb4248d42f8855

**.dmp files/report IDs: (0xa02)

If you can’t start the game at all

**GTA V folder screenshot:

GTA V/update/x64/dlcpacks screenshot:
**Filepath to FiveM folder: C:\Users\heavy\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.exe
**FiveM client folder screenshot:

**Which antivirus/firewall software are you using? Windows standard
**Did you try to disable/uninstall your Anti-virus? Yes

Important parts

**What is the issue you’re having?
If i start FiveM it directly stops working and shows the error message i posted above

**What are you trying to do? Starting FiveM to play on a server

**What have you tried already to fix the issue?
Deinstalled GTA V (over steam)
Desinstalled Rockstar Launcher
Deinstalled Rockstar social Club
Deinstalled FiveM
Cleaned every folder
Deactivated Firewall and Defender
Downloaded all new from official Site
Installed GTA V over Steam again
Installed Rockstar Launcher with Social Club Rockstar
Installed FiveM
Did not work

Deletead Cache
reinstalled fiveM
got new file ros-patches-five.dll from friend where it still works and replaced mine
uninstalled FiveM installed new
Tryed UpdateChannel=production in citizen.ini

cryed a lot

**Error screenshot (if any):

**What did you do to get this issue? Yesterday i played and closed game normaly with F8 → quit
got in Bed. Stand up today and started Computer no issues
started FiveM No window opend - started again got loading some files and 5 seconds later this error

**What server did you get this issue on? Be specific and name some, ‘all of them’ by itself isn’t useful!
On no server apeared at starting fiveM after starting my Computer

Additional comments

plz help me i´m low in fixing computer problems and have no ideas about this.

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I literally have the same error everything is the same I got up and I started my fivem but literally nothing happened and then I get an error

Found a solution, i marked the COMPLETE FiveM Folder not only the .exe in my firewall fort trusty. So if someone else have this problem try this. My Problem is solved and can be closed.

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