current build 1.0.1180.2
windows 10
Don’t have an anti-virus at all.
couldn’t find?
couldn’t find?
intel pentium g4560 3.5 ghz
Gtx 750ti msi gaming
16gb ram ddr4
i don’t understand any of this
After running fivem, a purple screen appears, but no servers are visible, then seconds pass 10 and the game crashes with this error.
We believe you are having issues with FiveM, we would like to have some additional information.
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im having the same issue with the same error!!
i uninstalled the whole game and reinstalled it still the same error running duel rx 480s amd fx 8350 16gb of 1600mhz ram
[Window Title]
FiveM Error
[Main Instruction]
FiveM has encountered an error
DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED - The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.
If you require immediate support, please visit and mention the details in this window.
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[Expanded Information]
Crash signature: rage-graphics-five.dll+13D74
Report ID: 04f98c69-b3a1-43e5-a597-3ccd6d30e7ae (use Ctrl+C to copy)
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