FiveM Crash (rage-graphics-five.dll)

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GTA V version?
Up to date?
100% up to date to my knowledge legit windows key… will try a steam check.
Legit or Pirate copy?
Steam/CD/Social Club?
Windows version?
10.0.15063 Build 15063 (Windows 10 PRO)
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again?
No, will post reply if I find a fix.
Error screenshot (if any)
System specifications
x64 Asus motherboard M5A88-EVO
8gb ddr3 @ 1600mhz (did a memory diagnostic two sticks were bad so I dropped from 16gb to 8gb I believe this may be my problem as I baseline at 80% when running gta)
RX 480 8gb - Not OC
What did you do to get this issue?
Playing on an RP server SALRP, I’ don’t believe its server side, others run fine.
What server did you get this issue on?
CitizenFX.log file
.dmp files/report IDs
Citizen Log & Mem Dump.rar (663.9 KB)

[Window Title]
FiveM Error

[Main Instruction]
FiveM has encountered an error

DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED - The GPU device instance has been suspended. Use GetDeviceRemovedReason to determine the appropriate action.

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[Expanded Information]
Crash signature: rage-graphics-five.dll+13DC4
Report ID: … [uploading?] (use Ctrl+C to copy)

SpeedFan Logs.rar (67.7 KB)

Also add what you already tried so far.
Better cooling, Fresh FiveM install, Lowering settings, Validating steam Files

Note: some of the files required above I’m unsure of their location.

Update cooling + and reduced voltage to GPU running at normal settings (GTAV)…
Still getting this same crash. my gpu temps spike and im still stuck on why?
RX 480 asiontek
cooling @ Around 87 C
WTF shitty card cooling or gpu usage?
Any help would be great
Note: Also back to 4x4gb Corsair vengeance RAM @ 1600

  • Thanks CowwFace
1 Like

Try the following:

  • Disable ShadowPlay/MSI Afterburner or any overclocking software
  • If you’re running the game in Fullscreen, run it in Windowed Borderless instead

Keeps the crashes down to a minimum…
Finally able to play more than an hour at a time

  • Thanks again CowwFace

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