Fivem Crash After Start

What is the issue you’re having?

When I start FiveM, it begins loading, and after 4 seconds, it closes as if I never opened it.

What have you tried already to fix the issue?

I tried reinstalling the game, watched everything on YouTube, but nothing helped me.

What server did you get this issue on?


Windows version

Windows 11

System specifications

AMD Ryzen 5 2600
Geforce RTX 3060
16GB Ram

Antivirus software

Windows Antivirus

Additional comments

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Do you have a crash report or anything like that? It’s hard to determine the crash reason without those. Also once you have the crash report, clear your Crash and logs files, then retry. If that fails clear your cache

I can’t even download FiveM; the folders don’t even have time to be created. When I open it, it says it’s downloading, and then it just disappears.

1 Like

Thats happening to me right now

(I forgot to say, i unistalled Fivem, and when i tryed to installed again, the download wouldnt start)

Yeah, same here

Is your FiveM setup with your GTA5 game directory? Like did you have to show where the directory was to FiveM? And that looks like it says FiveM-Access Directory, instead of FiveM

You have solved your problem I have the same one and I don’t know what to do

i have the same problem, yesterday it was working but now i can’t even open it after i installed a graphics pack

Do you see the logic here? Remove said graphics pack.

Also, do not hijack other users’ posts, if you need help open your topic.

wdym hijack ? il said that i have the same problem like the others who replyed, and it’s not because of the graphics packs i removed it