Fivem connect ECONNREFUSED

Ive been spending days on trying to fix this. Every IP adress seems correct aswell as in the files as in the database etc. And im still getting the same error. Could anyone please help me with what I can do to fix this? Vibegames is not giving any support at all and I am paying for the host already…

[ cmd] Argument count mismatch (passed 1, wanted 2)
cfx> [ script:ghmattimysql] [ERROR] connect ECONNREFUSED
[ script:mapmanager] Started map fivem-map-skater
[ citizen-server-impl] Started resource fivem-map-skater
[ script:ghmattimysql] [ERROR] [MySQL] [fw-core] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT * FROM server_extra : []”: connect ECONNREFUSED
[ script:ghmattimysql] [ERROR] [MySQL] [fw-core] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT * FROM characters_house_plants : []”: connect ECONNREFUSED
[ script:ghmattimysql] [ERROR] [MySQL] [fw-core] An error happens on MySQL for query “SELECT * FROM server_extra : []”: connect ECONNREFUSED
[ script:ghmattimysql] SCRIPT ERROR in promise (unhandled): Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
[ script:ghmattimysql] > undefined (Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

what does your connection string look like in server.cfg? What’s the connection info provided by the host(minus the login and pass, of course)

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set mysql_connection_string “server=;uid=u26887_UtdESUItBs;password=ofc my password here;database=s26887_GinoKammal” this is my server ip.

It looks to me like another resource is trying to connect to your mysql server using localhost. Do a search through your entire resource directory for both “localhost” and “” to see if you’ve got another attempt to connect to the database.

Zero results, checked every lua, cfg and json file

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Well, as you can see, fw-core is trying to connect to localhost and failing. I’m not familiar with that system so can’t tell you why but it is without question doing that so the task is to find out where fw-core is getting it’s db connection info.

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I know it does that that’s why I need help with it because there is not a single file anymore that I can see that leads to localhosting. I do see that I put all my artifact files in my main folder and I also have an alpine folder with a lot of stuff in it. Does this have anything to do with it maybe?

Unfortunately, you are the only one with access to the files so other than general suggestions, you’re not going to get a ton of pinpoint instruction. Is the system you’re using publicly available? Is there a download link for it? Without more information than “it’s not working, I don’t know why, I’m not going to tell you what I’m using or in what environment, I just need you to tell me what’s wrong.”, I’m out of suggestions.

I get it haha, its the Elements Framework, I might just install qb core and start from there

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I tried deploying the QBUS framework through github yesterday, but it gives me the same error while I left everything on default in txAdmin. So the problem is not with the framework like we thought, any other ideas maybe? I have ran like 6 servers before and never had this problem occur like now.

Database connection failed: connect ECONNREFUSED
If you do not have a database installed, you must download and run MySQL or MariaDB.

Can you post your entire server terminal output from start up to when it’s done loading?

I managed to fix all of it using the qbcore, I really don’t know what is wrong with that other framework. Thank you for your help.

How did you manage to fix this? I’m unable to.

I found a fix that might help some of you. For me the script couldn’t read the server.cfg and in mysql-async.js the default IP is You need to go in mysql-async.js at the end of the file you will find default cfg info and just edit it there with your info. After that restart the server.
EDIT: only for mysql-async resource.

literally download xammp and open ur ports.