Fivem banned me 13 days

To receive support, please fill out the following template, and remove this top text.

GTA V version?
Up to date?
Legit or Pirate copy?
Steam/CD/Social Club?
Windows version?
Did you try to delete caches.xml and try again?
Error screenshot (if any)
System specifications
What did you do to get this issue?
What server did you get this issue on?
CitizenFX.log file
.dmp files/report IDs

If an issue with starting:
GTA V folder screenshot
GTA V/update/x64/dlcpacks screenshot
Filepath to FiveM folder
FiveM client folder screenshot
Did you try to disable/uninstall your Anti-virus?

Also add what you already tried so far.

I was banned by some hacker who entered the server
I do not understand why this happens!

Hello, this is a friendly reminder because this is your first time creating a topic (or it has been a while since your last topic) in this category.

Please note that most of the support is provided by the FiveM community on a voluntary basis. We ask you to be patient; there is no guarantee we have a solution to your problem(s). To avoid unnecessary/duplicate topics, please browse the forums before creating a topic.

To improve your chances of your issue(s) being solved, please provide as much information as possible about the issue(s) you are having. Also —whenever possible— please use the template given to you when creating a topic.

Thanks for keeping these forums tidy!

You won’t get banned if another hacker joined the server, you only get banned when you used hacks or someone else who has access to your account did

That I was not, and nobody came into my account because I already consulted with steam, was a hacker who entered the server desperados, I have evidence.
Or could it also have been from my antivirus?

Please type out your ban id, I will take time to confirm your ban.

bonjour je suis interdit sans rasion je joue tranquille 2 heures après on me dit que je suis interdit alors que je joue sur mon serveur vous pouvez m’aider s’il vous plait

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English only on the forums, also you only get banned for cheating if some sort of cheat is detected

The ban system only gets triggered when some sort of cheat is detected. Unfortunately this means that either yourself, or somebody else using your account, has used a cheat/hack. If you are convinced this was not you who did it, then you might want to consider changing your account’s password because it may be compromised.

Unfortunately, as stated in the ban message, FiveM staff is unable to assist you in the event of a global ban. You will have to wait for the ban to expire.
