[fivem] advanced log | quit & join

is a type of log that works via discord webhook find the string in the client with the message to put the weebhok there and send it when a person enters / leaves


Do I have the right to convert this to vRP?

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Cool, thank you for share!

Hi, write to me with a private message

thanks for share , but can you make one for vRP ? @RandyoRaNdy

I am planning it!

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Very good idea, but you should avoid the client to control the discord log.

Replace your client-side event of playerSpawned to ESX event server-side esx:playerLoaded.
Remove any event client->server to allow sending messages, someone with lua injector will have access to the discord webhook.

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You don’t need permission!

Resources are posted as open source.

Please make this for vRP!

logging IPs?

Nice Release

If you mean the ip you see it is the ip of the player who entered or exited

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Very nice script!

Could you add a crash log to it too?

doesnt seem to be logging the join event, only the exit

in the new changelog it will be done

There is no both when you go out and enter

Anybody know what would cause this error. I get it when joining and leaving.

Nice release!

wow man that’s like super cool

Are u using ESX?