I’ve been looking around github & the fivem forums for a esx addon/mod that will add Fishing rods & Lures to the esx_shop and also add fishing spots at the pier. The only thread I’ve come across is Remove this but it isnt really solved
You can only get it from the creator of the script, he is a swedish guy who made it, got no name tho, thats all i know
January 10, 2018, 2:08am
Utilizing the search function…
Hello guys, i made some changes on this script.
What is the diffrent ?
Caught fishes now save in your inventory. ----V1/V2
You can sell your fishes. ----V1/V2
F10 to start fishing (I just wanted to change) ----V1
Added a zone(with blips) to catch fish ! ----V2
Added Different fish species ! ----V2
The sales price decreases according to the fish type ! ----V2
E to start fishing ----V2
https://github.com/EserSahiner/ES_Fishing ----- V…
Hey guys, i publish my first script ! I am so happy So it’s a script to become a fisherman, it’s just 5 blips in the map : 3 where you can fishing, 1 where can sell and 1 named “Entreprise”, this blips is useless for you but in a futur script i will use it ! You can fishing with all jobs. I use this script with : VDK inventory (Thank’s you !), ply_docks (Thank’s you !), job system (Thank’s you !) and essential mode (Thank’s you !). VDK is required !
Time : 5 hours
You can do as …
Press Z to start fishing
You need to be in water
Press ENTER when bar is green to catch it
Configurable language in lang.lua
Changelog [Unreleased][Fishing]
- Fixed: Display msg (script crash)
- Added: FR translation from @zapashcanon
- Changed: Fish got away after one fail.
- Fixed: Fishing from car
- Fixed: Fishing under water & swimming
- Added: Timer animation ( see Video Preview (Bar anim 0.0.4) )
- Ad…
April 1, 2019, 11:14am
Hi guys, I’m looking to use the script:
But I would like it to be accessible to all trades and not just “fisherman”.
The goal is to make it a fishing of leisure.
If you have a solution, I’m interested.