Fishii's Police Badge System

Fishii’s Police Badge

Config / cfg.lua

ESX = exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject()

Cfg = {} or Cfg

Cfg.badgeTime = 5 * 1000 -- 5 seconds
Cfg.defaultBadgePhoto = ''

-- and ESX.GetPlayerData().job.grade == 'boss'
Cfg.badgeS = {
    {jobName = 'unemployed', coords = vec3(865.01, -716.69, 42.57), dist = 3.0},

Cfg.Locales = {
    ['badge_creator'] = '[E] | Police Badge Creator'

function HelpNotification(text, coords)
    ESX.ShowFloatingHelpNotification(text, coords)

Cfg.itemName = 'pdbadge'


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Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Requirements ESX ( it can be easily adapted )
Support Yes

Hey this is nice but would it be bossible to make this use item metadata (ox_inventory)

1 Like

Yea, it should be easy

Do you know how 2 do it?

could you help me do it