First due roleplay is loking for active firefighters, lspd, civs, and lsfd ems

First Due Roleplay

First Due Roleplay was originally founded in late 2020, then revived and revamped as of now, 2021, it is a heavily Fire/EMS based FiveM server. It is ran by IRL First Responders, and people surrounded by the public safety. We pride ourselves on realism and legitimacy.

What we offer:
-Los Santos Fire Department
-Los Santos Fire Department (EMS Division)
-San Andreas Communications

If you are wanting to expand your roleplay experience then First Due is the place for you!


FDRP Recruitment Server

Name: Civilian | Damien
How Long Have You Been In FDRP: Little Over A Month
Reason For Rating: When They Say “If you are wanting to expand your roleplay experience then First Due is the place for you!” They Are Not Lying There Serious About The Roleplay They Give Civilians A lot Of Freedom, Guide To Medical Scenes And Even Call Ideas From The Department Members. The Enviorment Of This Server Is Very Positive And I Love It There And I Plan To Stay For Awhile.
Rating: :star::star::star::star::star:

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