Fireworks | Completely automatically

Alright, I fixed the issue with the Reliable Network Event Overflow, update is out on GitHub.


Awesome! Yeah i wasnt trying to bash your script or anything. Just wanted to let you know, great work :+1:t2:

No! It’s completely okay! It’s open source and free for a reason :stuck_out_tongue:

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Hey! Cool script and thanks for the release.

Is there any way to make them louder? I can’t hear them on the beach.

Thanks! As of now, I haven’t found any way, but that’s disturbing me too.

Very Nice work :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Would it be possible to have this using ACE perms for the command and a config option to disable the automatic mode? This would be cool to have to use year round for special events anytime we want but I don’t want everyone to be able to use it as I would want it restricted to my staff only for triggering the show.

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Great suggestion @TTVResqDiver1317! I second this! :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there anyway you can make this StandAlone

It is a standalone.

Its on github?

No? It’s free?

Yep, free to download.

ive done it ive added perms

Will you kindly share, so we can too can get something lovely to celebrate <3

it is ok if i post the lua file?

I have the whole file here which includes
and added


RegisterCommand(“fireworkshow”, function(source)
if IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, Config.FireworkAceGroup) then
print(“^2Fireworkshow started manually.^0”)
TriggerClientEvent(“firework:startFireworkShow”, source)
TriggerClientEvent(“chatMessage”, source, “^4You must be an ^1Administrator ^4to do this.”, {255, 0,0})


Config = {
FireworkAceGroup = “firework.admin”,
} (3.9 KB)

EDIT: Move the firework-permissions.cfg out of this resource then add it to your server resource folder, until I’m on pc later I will sort it all out so it’s in 1 resource.

Thankyou so much, I cant start it though, because it says im not admin, even i put the steam id. Im god role on the server, does that interfere ?

You need to change it then to firework.god and not firework.admin

I know what the issue is move the firework-permissions.cfg out of the resource into your resource folder and then try that