Firefighter SCBA System - With realistic smoke breathing - [Paid]

SCBA System


The self-contained breathing apparatus SCBA is used to protect users from lack of oxygen, dust, gases and vapors in factories, on ships, in fires and in tunnels.

With this complete configuration this script will adapt to the needs of your server!

Purchase this resource



  • Compatible with Smart Fire, This script is compatible with the Smart Fires!

  • Compatible with zFire, This script is compatible with the zFire!

  • Fully customizable, with this complete configuration this script will adapt to the needs of your server!

  • Developed for EUP or peds, in this configuration you can activate the EUP system or the peds easily.

  • Customize your SCBA alarm, feel free to modify the basic sounds proposed by our script!

  • Coughing near a fire, with a system integrated in the script, you will be able to configure the smoke breathing in a building or even outside, with this system, it is proposed to you to use a hood of evacuation integrated in the script!

  • Evacuation hood system, integrated with the smoke breathing system, it is possible to evacuate a person by this means!

  • Pressure reduction, the pressure will decrease according to your endurance in game.

  • Animated pressure gauge, the pressure gauge is animated according to your bar level.

  • Recharging the SCBA, to recharge with oxygen direct you on a vehicle or a fixed point.

  • SCBA sound sync, synchronized SCBA sounds between players.

  • Muffling sound, with this synchronized sound, the sound of the SCBA is muffled when you carry it on you!

  • Permission system, we leave you the possibility to add a framework to forbid access to certain jobs for example.

  • Language, this resource is available in French and English, you can still add your own language for your server in configuration!

Test it out

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Find our complete documentation which contains the help list for the configuration of our scripts, as well as the use of the FiveM Assets Escrow


We do not share the 3d model used in the video.
The SCBA uses FiveM escrow system.

Code is accessible Partial
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Requirements None
Support Yes

Good job

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Thanks you!

Fantastic I was actually just talking about starting development on a system like this. You did the job for me x_x but it’s exactly what I was thinking haha!

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This looks great. Definitely on my short list of stuff to buy for our server as soon as I can set aside a little money for it. They only thing I would like to point out is in your description, you say the SCBA is used to extinguish fires. This is not accurate at all. The SCBA is used to allow firefighters to breathe, it has nothing to do with actually putting out the fire. (speaking as someone who has been in Fire, EMS, and Rescue for 22 years now IRL). That issue aside, this looks great and I can’t wait to get this to use in our server.

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Thanks, it’s corrected :slight_smile:

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could you move coords for fire location?

Yes you can via the configuration

Nice work bruv :slight_smile:

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Thanks you :slight_smile:

can this be used as an item for fire fighters on qb framework?

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Yes of course, it is ESX + QB compatible

Costs more then the Fire Script itself, what a joke.

Is it possible to buy the EUP helmet and mask system?

how does this put on the clothing item? I cant get it to work

Someone tried to give me a mask by pressing G. Then the mask attached to this random Coyote animal ped that was near us! Then the Coyote started draggin me!


Also can we please have update for these:


:round_pushpin: Summary of latest updates

v1.0 to v2.4

Would this work with Toxic Scripts Fire Script?

Is this compatible with pickle firefighting job?

i have the same bug, did u fix it ?