Fire Alarm: Reborn - Inferno Collection

Update - v1.3.3 - 12/01/2024



  • Multiple Sprinklers can now activate for the same fire.
    • Previously, only the closest Sprinkler within X distance of a fire would activate, now all Sprinklers with X distance will activate.
    • The distance (‘X’) from the fire to the Sprinkler has been reduced slightly to avoid “too many” Sprinklers activating.
  • Pre-activated Sprinklers now extinguish new fires.
    • NOTE: This only applies to z_Fires and SmartFires.
    • Previously, once a Sprinkler was activated, any new fires in the same location while the Sprinkler was still active would not be extinguished; this is no longer the case.
  • triggerPullStationAtPosition export now activates the closet Pull Station to the provided position, not a random Pull Station.


  • Issue where randomly generated z_Fires smoke was causing server errors and Sprinklers not to activate.

Full Changelog

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