Fire Alarm: Reborn - Inferno Collection

v1.3.8 - 01/02/2025


  • Support for multiple target/third-eye resources, see below.


  • Multiple Detectors can now activate for a single fire/smoke event, instead of just the closest.
  • Moved all targeting logic into a new client editables folder
    • Allows support for OxTarget & QBTarget out-of-the-box.
    • Owners/developers who previously used ic_far_oxTargetSupport will need to enable ic_far_manualInteractions and edit their editable/client/targeting.lua to re-enable support.
      • Reach out in Discord if you need help with this.
  • Moved server editable files from editables/ to editables/server/.
    • Existing users will need to manually move their existing editables files to the new directory.
      • Reach out in Discord if you need help with this.


  • OxTarget zones being removed twice, resulting in a harmless error.
  • SmartFires’ smoke would not activate detectors.
  • Unhandled error and getting stuck in an animation when trying to access a Control Panel another player is using, instead of displaying the friendly pop-up.
  • Custom props not being used in the FAR Tool.
    • This fix makes several small changes to the config.cfg file, existing users may need to update this themselves.
      To apply the change, replace set with setr for the following entries:

      • ic_far_defaultControlPanelModels
      • ic_far_defaultPullStationModels
      • ic_far_defaultDetectorModels
      • ic_far_defaultSprinklerModels
      • ic_far_defaultSounderModel
      • ic_far_defaultStrobeModel
      • ic_far_defaultSprinklerValveModel

      Do not replace all instances of set inside config.cfg, only change the entries listed above, otherwise secret values such as the HTTP Access Token can be exposed.

Full Changelog