Files Splitting Problem. Console says wrong size values

I Got European Roads installed and I tried fixing the 16Mb stream limit by splitting the big files.
And I’ve done it after long hours, but still, when I ran the server the big Red stream limit warning in the console disappeared but the yellow ones came out.
I was confused because I checked the YTD files and they’re all was below 16Mb but the console shows different.
For example, I checked a YTD file and it was 8Mb but when I looked at the console it says19MiB(20Mb)

The file:

The console file warning:

If I can’t do anything about it does anyone knows a way to split hundreds of YTD files quickly? or at least compress them somehow without losing too much of the texture quality?
Would really appreciate that!
Thank you.

btw sorry if my English wasn’t explained well, not my native language :slight_smile:

Since the file is under 8MB, you don’t necessarily need to split them.

To this moment, this should not be any issue to your performance whatsoever so you could eventually just skip these.

you can’t fix that if you not remove some items of it!


If it’s warning, it’s too big, and splitting to circumvent warnings doesn’t change anything about the cumulative size still being too big.

that’s the problem, I split the big YTD files so every one of them will be below 16Mb but the console for some reason says it’s a lot bigger.
as you can see the file in my File Explorer is 8Mb but the console shows different.

compressed vs. uncompressed size, the one that matters is the uncompressed size i.e. what’s shown in console

File explorer shows the compressed file size (8mb) but the console shows the uncompressed file size which is the one that matters, so basically, splitting the files doesn’t change anything it just gets rid of the console warning but the performance stays the same, what you need to do is optimize (lower texture resolution) the YTD files. I would recommend following my tutorial on this [How-to] Optimize texture size | Fixing oversized assets | Bring any texture dictionary under 16 MB physical memory FASTER - #7 by bonelesspizza1

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Thanks I will try it

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