delete this file (playersDB.json) from txData\default\data.
doesent work
Change Área de trabajando to something else - move the server to another folder not containing the Á character. The best even bot containing any spaces
I appreciate your help. Thank you!
you welcome
how do i find the playersDB file
your server folder than \txData\default\data
where can i finde that server
Why do you tell people to delete their entire player data while the error is completely unrelated to that? His error states that the FXServer path can not contain non-ASCII characters…
your server folder than \txData\default\data
Send me screenshots what issue you have.
Sir I dont mean to be rude but I am 100% certain that I am in the right here, here is why:
See the red arrow that I put in the image? That specific character is not allowed per the txAdmin code:
const nonASCIIRegex = /[^\x00-\x80]+/;
if (nonASCIIRegex.test(fxServerPath) || nonASCIIRegex.test(dataPath)) {
console.error('Due to environmental restrictions, your paths CANNOT contain non-ASCII characters.');
console.error('Example of non-ASCII characters: çâýå, ρέθ, ñäé, ēļæ, глж, เซิร์, 警告.');
console.error('Please make sure FXServer is not in a path contaning those characters.');
console.error(`If on windows, we suggest you moving the artifact to "C:/fivemserver/${fxServerVersion}/".`);
console.log(`FXServer path: ${fxServerPath}`);
console.log(`txData path: ${dataPath}`);
So as you can see, his path contains one of those letters that are “not allowed” in the path due to environmental restrictions. There is no need for you to say “DONT COMMENT AGAIN” when it’s super clear that you are wrong here.
so how can i fix this problem?
Make your own post… No need to hijack this thread.
Make ur own topic, also try running as admin.