Farming System

:ear_of_rice: Advanced Farming System!

Key Features:

(Version 1.1.0)

We added OPEN-SOURCE access and OX_INVENTORY support.

  1. :tractor: Advanced Prop Farming System:

    • Place a variety of props in farming zones, configure how many props spawn, and control the randomness of each spawn to create a dynamic farming environment.
  2. :bulb: Configurable Farming Requirements:

    • Set up whether farming requires specific tools, vehicles, or emotes. Easily configure which jobs are allowed to farm.
  3. :tractor: AFK Farming Option:

    • Choose whether players can AFK farm or if they need to press ‘E’ after each cycle. Players can cancel AFK farming at any time by pressing ‘X’.
  4. :wrench: Full Configurability:

    • You have full control over every aspect of farming: processing times, prop spawns, tools needed, and much more. The script is designed to be highly customizable to suit your server’s gameplay style.
  5. :hourglass_flowing_sand: Processing System with Custom Progress Bar:

    • The processing system features a customizable progress bar. Players can enter a specific quantity to process or click ‘All’ to process everything in their inventory.
  6. :bar_chart: Dynamic Selling Prices:

    • Configure item prices to change either over time or after every server restart. Set minimum and maximum price limits and receive automated updates on current item prices via Discord notifications.
  7. :hammer_and_wrench: Detailed Admin Control:

    • Admins have full visibility of farming, processing, and selling activities through configurable Discord logs, providing complete control over server activities.
  8. :red_car: Vehicle-Specific Farming:

    • Configure if farming requires being in a specific vehicle, like a tractor, to add more depth to your farming experience.
  • :gear: OX Inventory Integration:
    • Fully compatible with ox_inventory for seamless item management.

Configuration Preview:

Main Settings:

:gear: Config.lua
:gear: FarmConfig.lua
:gear: DiscordConfig.lua
:gear: CSS
and more

:shopping_cart: Purchase Now

:eye: Preview Video

Compatibility and Requirements:

Feature Details
Code is Accessible No (configs open for editing)
Framework ESX / QBCore
Subscription-based No
Lines (approx.) 1500+
Support Yes

Other Scripts by Risk Scripts:


Works also with ox_inventory?

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So Is ist?

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If you’re interested in buying the script and there’s demand for ox_Inventory compatibility, I can definitely update it.

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like it :+1:t3:

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If you Update IT inform me then i’ll buy

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Any Update?

i do want to leave a suggestion but ive been looking for a farming script for a while and farming isnt just plants it can be more like milking a cow, selling cattle, raising pigs and much more… i want to give this a suggestion to each farming script out there cause it seems like most of them just feel the same

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Thank you for your suggestion! I’ll definitely consider it for the next farming system

I already have a few cool ideas in mind to make it more varied and interactive, like the activities you mentioned. Our farming system also includes a built-in processor, which others often charge over €20 for on its own, so I hope it still appeals to some users.

I might even release the processor separately for around €9.99.

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Open Source Now Available
Purchase Here:

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yes it works with ox invenotry, thanks