Fall damage weapon hash not calling when getting another weapon hash before (CEventNetworkEntityDamage)

  1. Client: Beta / Server: 6798
  2. What you expected to happen: The fall damage weapon hash should be called when falling, even if you got another weaponhash before.
  3. What actually happens: It will call the last weaponhash and not the fall weapon hash (“WEAPON_FALL”)
  4. Category of bug Clientside on gameserver
  5. Reproducible steps, preferably with example script(s):

To reproduce this bug, follow these steps:
-First, get damage, either from getting shot or being run over by a car.
-Fall down from a higher point, and you will observe that it will not return the hash for “WEAPON_FALL”.

Snippet below to debug this issue:

AddEventHandler('gameEventTriggered', function (name, args)
    if name == "CEventNetworkEntityDamage" then
		local weaponhash = tonumber(args[7])
		print (weaponhash)