Failed to instantiate instance of script SQLite.Main

I do not know what it could be since I gave the update in essentialmode by apologize if it is not right to do here but I was in doubt if it could be or not here is the error thank you.

How did you install SQlite?

My basic understanding of that error, and I may be wrong entirely, is the system.dll SQLite.Interop.dll is missing. I also just kinda read it, lol.


I too am receiving this error since the latest essentialmode update. I’m not currently using nor have I ever used SQlite to manage databases on my server. However, everything seems to be working just fine despite the error ¯_(ツ)_/¯. I’ve assumed it’s simply a bug in the latest version of essentialmode and will likely be corrected in a future update.


Yeah rose… If the server is starting and working fine I wouldn’t worry about it. Errors in the console get thrown all the time and some you can just ignore for the most part.

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having the same error…

Check out the solution attached to the main post.

reinstalling essentialmode in principle works