Failed to connect to *serverip* port 30120 after 1000 ms: Couldn't connect to server

I am developing a website for a FiveM server (not my FiveM server and web server is somewhere else). I can access the info.json, players.json, dynamic.json (I am unsure if there’s more JSON files) via Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox just fine.

I try to connect with PHP and CURL and I get the error:

Failed to connect to serverip port 30120 after 1000 ms: Couldn’t connect to server

I’ve tried multiple settings, setting my headers to match a browsers, as well as other various options however this error is persistent. Is there something I have to request from the server owners? I figured if I can access it via browser I should be able to connect via curl, no?

Are you doing the curl from the same machine or?

No. Two different machines, ips and even countries.

Then it’s most likely some kind of firewall or other network issue. You could try pinging or trace routing from the CURL machine to the FiveM server machine’s public IP address, see if you encounter any issues there. You could also try and add an exemption for the CURLs machine’s public IP address in the FiveM server’s machine’s firewall.

Had one of the admins try and add an exception however it didn’t seem to work. Not sure if we did that correctly.