F9 - F3 Bug (Flashing when looking at the floor and / or the sky)

Video Example: F3 Bug FiveM - YouTube

The problem occurs whenever opening F3 menu when looking at the sky or at the floor.
this problem is re-occuring and has been happening for the past few weeks, if we can find someone to help us with this. that would be greatly appreciated since we are trying to release our server.

We have been stuck for idea’s to fix this, so this is our last resort. so we are hoping atleast one of you could help us with this problem we have been having. Thank you.

FiveM doesn’t have ‘F3 menu’ whatever it is by default, so this is not a FiveM bug → moved to #server-development:resource-support from #general-discussion:bug-reports instead.

I’m guessing your script is doing ‘Wait(8)’ or whatever instead of ‘0’ for something drawn every frame in a dumbfounded attempt to ‘optimize’, but breaking the script for people with high FPS. Any thread that draws stuff must use Wait(0) while drawing.

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Thanks bro you a W

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