A radial menu for redm, allows easier interactions for players.
Script Features
Select walking styles build in to change and update on server side for VORP.
Add Items to show only for specific jobs.
Add items from other scripts dynamically.
Get nearby locations via GPS Waypoint
Adding and Removing Dynamically
id = ‘custommenuitem’,
title = ‘Custom Menu Item’,
icon = ‘address-card’,
type = ‘client’,
event = ‘name_event’, ← Event name that opens the menu
shouldClose = true
the AGPL 3.0 license requires proper attribution, which typically includes:
1. The original author’s name.
2. A clear mention that the project is based on or derived from the original work.
3. A link to the original project repository to ensure transparency and credit.
Simply mentioning my name without linking back to the original project does not satisfy the attribution requirements of the AGPL 3.0 license.
triggering your events and using your resource as a dependency needs attribution now?
When none of your direct code is in any of his and he’s just calling your events?
Oh ok, I’ll be sure to archive this.
He is not using my resource, he is using a copy of it without using same license and without clear attribution to the original author, this goes against the license rules! if you have not read them before then please go and read them…
Idk what you are talking about LOL.
He put his 3d_waypoint script as dependency for this script,
and that one is a copy of my bln_3d_waypoint ! he took without comply to the original license rules. This is the issue and all the story my bud!