I am 22yrs old, been RPing on FiveM for around 5 years and have lots of experience. I work as security in real life so I am very mature and have lots of experience but also real life training. I am looking for a community I can create content on, I have a tiktok and youtube i’d like to start making content on. I want something active, a server with 40+ consistently ideally. I would like to start with a higher police rank but understand if I have to start a bit lower. Can bring my friends along too if the server feels right!
More wants from me
- Active Server (35+ on at most times)
- Server sided EUP
- Mature (ideally 18+yr old) and active staff
- Unique server, not a copy-paste server
- CAD in game or not, idc just want a CAD but want it required, hate servers that don’t use them.
- Discord as RTO ideally… Teamspeak is fine but Discord is better now tbh
- Whitelisted preferred or at least a mature community without young kids, don’t want to watch my mouth around kids, prefer 18+ communities
- No need to apply for content creation - Just want to start making content right away
- Easily move up within police ranks based on my experience
- Maybe a spot to become staff in the future
If you got a server meeting some or all this please comment or DM me on discord (HarrisonSawyer) I look forward to speaking with you all!