Womp womp

womp womp womp womp womp


I’m not going to jazz up a message with all this fancy formatting to try and distract you. Check us out on 🛑 BurntRubberUnderground Roleplay | Seeking Police, Fire and EMS, plus Business Owners | Gangs | Mechanics | Staff Positions | Legal and Illegal Jobs - #3 by Joe_Elam
Depending on day/time our slowly growing city will range from 4-15 ppl, but we do have a high need for experience law enforcement with a new gang that has taken over a large area as their turf. I can’t make any promises of high rank off the rip, but prove yourself and promotions are easy to come by if earned.

Come join Dreamstate RP we need someone to run BCSO!

Are you looking for an immersive growing community, Where the owners and staff are avtive in city? Look no further, here at Kansas State Roleplay we are always looking for new members to join us on our never ending adventures. We are a brand new QBCore server looking to grow in numbers and have very serouis roleplay. We have so much to offer here and whatever you are looking for, we always value our members input! Here’s what we have to offer:

State based QBcore
Beginner Friendly
Controller Friendly
Very Active Owners & Staff
Whitelisted LEO ( KHP, JCSO, Feds)
Community Police (open to the public)
EMS W/ Custom Cars & EUP
DOT W/ Custom Cars & EUP
FIRE W/ Custom Cars & EUP
Custom State Based EUP
200 + Custom Cars
50+ Custom MLOs
100’s of Addon Food & Drinks
Custom Guns W/ Relistic Sounds
Advanced Drug System
Advance Mechanic Script
Player Owned Mechanic Shops (4 More Slots Open, MLO Provided, Vehicles & EUP Provided)
Player Owned Businesses ( More Slots Open, MLO Provided, Vehicles & EUP Provided)
Player Ran Impound Lots
4 Gang slots (3 open)
4 MC Slots (2 open)
Tsunami Script
Mining, Fishing, Hunting
In Game Advanced MDT
LEO Pager system
Fire/EMS Pager
Advance Garage System
Blackmarket Weapons
Live Body & Dash Cam feeds to dispatch
Starter Gift when you first fly in
[1:56 PM]
Applications are open for the following - Listed Below

Staff - Admin, Moderator, Community Manager, Civilian Coordnators, Welcome Team, Media Team
Kansas Highway Patrol - Top command, Command, Troopers
Johnson County Sheriff Department - Top Command, Command, Deputies
Johnson County Fire & EMS - Command Down
Johnson County Dispatch - Top Command down
Mechanic Shops
Regular Shops
Motorcycle Clubs

(Any new gang that has MLO & EUP they would like to be added just ask and we will add them in for you free of charge)

We don’t stop here there is still so much more to come. Invite your friends and come and join us! The city is open to the public. We look forward to seeing you soon!

KSRP Staff Team Kansas State Roleplay

Hello, we are currently hiring in the LAPD department. We have tons of cars, and clothing plus much more for cops to do!

We are well established, come check out the discord through the forum post. Very clean discords to operate with.

Website: www.FamilyRP.net

Discord: Family RP

TikTok: www.FamilyRP.net (@familyrp.fivem) | TikTok

Reddit: Reddit - Dive into anything

:small_orange_diamond: OPEN BETA NOW LIVE! :small_orange_diamond:

Beta open from 2pm-2am Central Time

Welcome to FamilyRP where players will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a diverse range of professions, and engage in various activities within the city. They can choose to be law enforcement officers, business owners, emergency service personnel, or even regular citizens trying to make a living."

The city also focuses on providing a realistic and immersive roleplaying experience, where players can interact with each other, participate in dynamic events, and shape the city’s narrative through their actions. From routine traffic stops to high-stakes criminal investigations, every day brings new challenges and opportunities in and out of the City Of Los Santos.

We are looking to provide you with a city that captivates everyone with multiplayer jobs, detailed criminal systems, and top-tier LEO/FIRE services. Our community is lead by high-quality RP’ers, who’ve played on some the most popular GTA:RP platforms to date. Here at FamilyRP you will find that our departments are lead by actual officers and troopers to offer an authentic experience, without overpowering LEO:RP within the city. Balance, fairness, and transparency are key elements we incorporated to the development of FamilyRP.

Hey id love you to join my city and id love to show you around

Heres my discord: Spookstuh

Check us out bro top notch scripts and assets

Simple and to the point:

Looking to fill lspd leadership positions
Server avgs 50-80 depending on the day.

Feel free to look: discord.gg/rgnrp

Or reach out to me personally: risingronin


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Yume RP is a new server, it has mainly a UK/EU player base - so the busiest times for us are in the UK evenings. We’re still growing, and would love and appreciate any one who joined us to help us grow and mould the city in to everything you would want it to be.

We have already a fun ‘role with the roleplay community’ and an active staff team who can support you in tickets for any technical or roleplay questions :slight_smile:

We already have so much for you to experience, hidden gems, custom maps, fun heists etc
We’re lore friendly, no gatekeeping of benches and drugs etc
We have a fun PD who chase the RP over the W :slight_smile:

Check us out! :heart: Story focused RP

I know we’re not really in your time zone, but we do have some nocturnal players that are around through the night and would love to build the population at those times too. Please add us to your FiveM favourites so you can see if anyone is around when you get to your PC. xx