Execution by electric chair | VZN Death Prison Cell | [ESX/QB/Custom]

Death Prison Cell is a script that will be perfect to make the gameplay on your FiveM server more interesting.


  • optimized script
  • customizable
  • available logs
  • easy usage
  • compatibility with ESX and QB-Core
  • possibility of connecting a custom framework


  • location
  • player’s character removed or not (possibility to implement your own logic)
  • configurable permissions for the ability to use the electric chair


  • onesync
  • ox_lib
  • wuja_deathroom (recommended and preconfigured, but it’s possible to set your own location)

Choose the player you want to put in the electric chair. He will be shown a notification for confirmation. When he confirms, he will be placed on the chair.

Pull the lever to get electricity to the chair.

Depending on what you set in the config - the chair will result in a character kill for the player, or not. With character kill enabled, the player’s character will be removed.

Script Showcase: Youtube
Purchase Script: Tebex

Purchase Map Here: Youtube
Map Showcase: Tebex

Documentation: VZN-DEATH-PRISON-CELL | VZN Scripts Docs

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~650
Requirements onesync, ox_lib, wuja_deathroom
Support Yes

nice <3

1 Like

It turned out well, but I think it would have been more impactful with a little effect. :slight_smile: