## Hi
## Welcome to Evolution RP - www.evolution-rp.com
There are jobs/missions already in the file, they are:
Taxi Driver - People can call one via the K menu and if there is a taxi online, they can accept the call out and be directed to the persons location via GPS. Also has an AI taxi mission, start by pressing DEL.
Bank Driver - Your job is to deliver the bank money in a security van to a specific location. This money isn’t robable.
President - This is a VIP/Admin role and is required to be given via the admin K > Add Group menu (name = president).
Police - You can give this job by K > Admin > Add Group menu (name = cop)
EMS - You can give this job by K > Admin > Add Group menu (name = ems)
Drug Dealer - This is the job needed to harvest and create cocaine/weed.
Hacker - This job hacks into peoples accounts and gives you credit cards which you go on to sell.
Repair Man - This job is the only job who can buy repair kits and repair vehicles via the K menu. This job also has an AI mission involved were you can fix things around the map for cash.
Delivery Driver - This job is exactly what it says on the tin, your job is to drive around, collect what’s requested and drop it off at a random house.
Bounty Hunter
Weapons Smuggler
And More…
We hope to see you in-game
Website : www.evolution-rp.com
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