Everyone can join without steam. How can I enable steam authentication?

I am using txadmin and es_extended on my server, and I have also configured a steam web api in my server.cfg, but it seems that everyone can join without steam authentication.
Is there something I am missing? I dont even know where to start.

Newer versions of es_extended no longer use the steam identifier but license so Steam is no longer required to be open, if you want to force people to open Steam you have to write a deferrals resource which denies people without Steam but that seems a silly thing.

Alright, that explains it. Thanks for the reply.

If you want ı got a script " esx_whitelist " with steam hex. For all players :slightly_smiling_face: :100: :+1:

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I figured, that after all my problem is not what I originally posted. After hours of research, I am in need of changing the esx identifiers to look at steamID. I managed to make it read it from the DB, but I cant figure out how to change the es_extended/server/main.lua file to load the player profile.

The current result, is that everytime the server restarts, esx_identity pops up asking the player to register his character.
I am sure this can be fixed in the previously mentioned main.lua at this line:

	Async.parallel(tasks, function(results)
		local xPlayer = CreateExtendedPlayer(playerId, identifier, userData.group, userData.accounts, userData.inventory, userData.weight, userData.job, userData.loadout, userData.playerName, userData.coords)
		ESX.Players[playerId] = xPlayer
		TriggerEvent('esx:playerLoaded', playerId, xPlayer)

		xPlayer.triggerEvent('esx:playerLoaded', {
			accounts = xPlayer.getAccounts(),
			coords = xPlayer.getCoords(),
			identifier = xPlayer.getIdentifier(),
			inventory = xPlayer.getInventory(),
			job = xPlayer.getJob(),
			loadout = xPlayer.getLoadout(),
			maxWeight = xPlayer.getMaxWeight(),
			money = xPlayer.getMoney()

Where I have to change the identifier to search for the steamID, but I have no idea on how to do this.

Why are you dealing with this ? I can send it to you ready, add your resources, add your server.cfg then start it in your server. :upside_down_face:

I already fixed it, but to answer with your question, I had misunderstood my problem.

Having esx_whitelist, you have to add to your database the players to whitelist them. For that, you have to find their hexID which sometimes is impossible if you dont have their steam profile, or whatever this is called and you cant find it if their steam profile is private and the players also have to give you their steam name and then you have to have access to the database and since I am the ONLY person with access to the database, no one else can do it, and even if I gave access to other staff, not everyone knows how to do it correctly and if someone does something wrong and and and the list of cons goes on forever.
esx_whitelist may be perfect, but not practical.

So here comes txadmin…
You know how that works… get the name and/or the access ID of the player, click accept and done.