Hello, our server often crashes as soon as clothing or vehicles start when the server starts up. Can anyone help me?
The resource is too heavy, try splitting its contents across 2-3 to bypass the timer
Might want to remove those ToS violations.
How can I fix this?
I literally answered - split the contents of your current EUP resource across 2-3 smaller ones. Physically copy a portion of the files into a new resource, and another portion into another.
How would you do that? I want to try it out myself but i don’t know how.
Physically take the files from one resource, create 2-3 other “EUP” resources (the name can be whatever), then copy portions into the stream
folders of the new ones, and make sure the old one isn’t starting when you try. Too simple to explain lol
Thanks. Sorry I am new to EUP. I just figured out how to turn some into addons and replace files
Addons wont really help in this specific case, but all good